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Dallas Cowboys vs. Seattle Seahawks Game Predictions


Every week we ask all of The Landry Hat writers and contributors to submit their predictions for the upcoming game and their reasons why. This week, we asked our experts for their opinion on the Dallas Cowboys vs. the Seattle Seahawks game on Sunday.

Steven Mullenax, Editor & Head Writer: On paper. this should be an easy win for the Cowboys. But this years’ version of America’s team seems to like making it hard on themselves. The only exception this year being the Rams. And the Seahawks are better than the Rams. I see this being a close game. The injury to Sean Lee and Mike Jenkins will hurt our defense. But Rob Ryan will key on Marshawn Lynch and force Tavarius Jackson to throw. And DeMarcus Ware will be putting pressure on Jackson all day, forcing bad throws and turnovers from the unproven quarterback. If Tony Romo and DeMarco Murray can both get it going, this one could get ugly for the Seahawks. But again, Dallas is their own worst enemy. Dallas 24, Seahawks 20.

View more predictions, after the break:

Ashley Bolton, Staff Writer: Cowboys respond in a big way this weekend and come out angry and fast. The defense won’t have a week like they did against the Eagles. Romo and the offense get back on track and all will be good in Jerry World. Cowboys 28, Seahawks 10

Robert Diton, Staff Writer: I don’t know if it’s quite that time to use the phrase ‘must-win’ but it’s pretty close. With the Giants and Eagles now feeling confident, the Cowboys need to feast on the cupcakes of their schedule and pick up some wins. It all starts with Seattle this week, in the confines of Cowboys Stadium. Even with some key injuries to Jenkins and Lee, I still believe the Cowboys have enough weapons to make this a pretty convincing victory. Dallas 27, Seattle 10

Seth Jones, Staff Writer: The Seahawks are horrible and the Cowboys aren’t. Cowboys 35 Seahawks 9. Miles Austin will have 8 rushing yards.

Mark Contreras, Video Contributor & Staff Writer: Not having Sean Lee will hurt, if that ends up being the case; however, I believe the Cowboys will bounce back from a putrid performance by whooping the Seahawks. But I don’t care if the score is 100 to 0, this team is simply not very good. Try not to forget that after this game is over. They’ll win 4 out of the next 5 and look like a playoff team on the rise… And then when the cake part of the schedule is over, they will revert back to old form. Everyone will blame it on the December slide and Tony Romo’s inability to win big games but in reality it will simply be a function of the schedule and poor play by an average team. You heard it here first. Hey, at least we get to see some very deserving Ring of Honor inductees!!! Should be a special afternoon…Cowboys 38, Seahawks 11.

Joe D. Ramirez, Senior Writer: There is a substantial amount of negativity surrounding the Cowboys.  The fans are frustrated, the media is critical of players and coaches.  Any goodwill the Cowboys have built up has been depleted.  The aftermath of last weeks debacle is palpable.  I think it will be suffocating to the players and they will come out tight.  And then as the game progresses, the players will feel loose and the Cowboys will begin to pull away.  The players will have refuge on the field and at moments in the game, they will play up to their potential.  After the 1st half, 10-10.  Final score: Cowboys 24, Seahawks 10.

C. Joseph Wright, Asst Editor and Staff WriterRob Ryan will not have a poorly conceived game-plan two weeks in a row.  The key to this game will be stopping Mershawn Lynch without Sean Lee.  Brooking and James are adequate defending against the run; the defense should hold them to under 17 points.  The Cowboys offense will prove that even without a great game from Romo and a mediocre performance from the offense in general, they can still score 21 points. The Cowboys will win by at least 4.

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