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Dallas Cowboys vs. Philadelphia Eagles Game Predictions


Every week we ask all of The Landry Hat writers and contributors to submit their predictions for the upcoming game and their reasons why. This week, we asked our experts for their opinion on the Dallas Cowboys vs. the Philadelphia Eagles game on Sunday night.

Steven Mullenax, Editor & Head Writer: The Eagles are coming off a bye-week. They are also playing at home. That’s two huge advantages they have over the Cowboys. Dallas will pressure Vick out of the pocket and he will have his highest rushing yards total so far this year. Once Vick burns the Dallas “D” a few times, the pressure will weaken and the Eagles offensive onslaught will take off. If Dallas can control the game through clock management and a strong running game via DeMarco Murray, they might just outlast that Eagles offense. Unfortunately, I think the odds are stacked against the Boys in this one. Eagles 24, Dallas 20.

View more predictions, after the break:

Greg Bailey, Staff Writer: Who has a better Cheese Steak sandwich? Who gives a crap? We’re talking football and so far the “Dream Team” has been a huge disappointment, well not for Dallas FANS!!! The Phili eating, booing fans, no-class wannabes are in for a huge wake up call….and just not for this week. Dallas should have the upper hand because the Dream Team is only Dreaming: Phili 27 – DAL 37

Ashley Bolton, Staff Writer: This is the game where Romo proves the type of quarterback he really is, I see him struggling early but coming up good at the end. The defense has to keep Vick in the pocket and hope that he makes more mistakes than Romo. DeMarco Murray has to have a good game and take the pressure off of the passing game. I see this coming down to the final drive and a Bailey 52 yard field goal. Cowboys 24-21!

Robert Diton, Staff Writer: Buckle up, fans, this game is going to bring it. What will DeMarco Murray do as an encore? What will give first: the Eagles’ #1 run offense or the Cowboys’ #1 rush defense? Will Tony Romo limit his mistakes against an always-dangerous Philadelphia secondary? I say this one gives us all the hype and more, as the Cowboys barely come out of the Linc with a hard-earned victory. Dallas 24, Philadelphia 21.

Seth Jones, Staff Writer: “The Eagles and The Cowboys are both having rough starts to their seasons. This is a big game. As opposed to it being a “small serious event”. The Eagles are more explosive, so I feel confident that they will really blow on offense. However, their defense really sucks. So I expect for their defensive backs to suck up to our receivers and deny Romo the passing yardage that he desires. Romo is undefeated when facing the Eagles on Sundays when I am wearing blue jeans. Unfortunately, I won’t be wearing blue jeans, so that stat is widely irrelevant. After all of this research, I’ve come to the conclusion that the Cowboys will win 23-21. Also, Rob Ryan will have a game high 17 tackles.”

Mark Contreras, Video Contributor & Staff Writer: The Cowboys impressed by doing exactly what they were supposed to do last Sunday. DeMarco Murray also impressed by breaking an Emmitt Smith record. Dallas has a favorable schedule ahead but it begins AFTER they visit their division rival for a prime time match-up on Sunday night. I will be optimistic here because of the Cowboys’ lack of (and Eagles’ abundance of) injuries. However, know that this game will not be easy. Philadelphia is desperate and rightfully so. They barely ended a 4-game losing streak before their bye week and a win against Dallas would get them out of the basement. Cowboys win… barely. Cowboys 27, Eagles 25.

Joe D. Ramirez, Senior Writer: First let me say the Cowboys win 17-14… and now to dampen your spirits.  The Cowboys played as well as they could against the Rams and it showed.  Murray had over 250 yards on the ground.  Against the Eagles he will have less than 80.  Romo was barely touched throughout the game and the offensive line manhandled the Rams.  Against the Eagles Romo is going to be harassed all day long and will throw one or two interceptions.  The Eagles are incredibly tough after a bye, and I don’t see that changing.  But… the Cowboys will likely be able to overcome late in the game despite being down by 11 points in the first half. 

Artie Cappello, Staff Writer: This is the next big statement game for the Dallas Cowboys. This is the week we have to put it all together and decide what kind of team we want to be. How we play Sunday night against the Eagles, in my opinion, will set the tone, the direction these Dallas Cowboys are going to go this year. I absolutely hate the Philadelphia Eagles, mainly because of the horrible, vile fans they have. (You can’t deny it Iggles fans, its all caught on tape over the last 30+ years). You can watch some of that right here on The Landry Hat. Hey, Dallas, you have to beat the Miami Heat ( read: Philadelphia Eagles) all over again! Cowboys 21,  Eagles 17. 

C. Joseph Wright, Asst Editor and Staff Writer:  The Cowboys played virtually mistake free last week, I expect that trend to continue.  The Cowboys will be able to run the ball, although not as successfully as last week.  Dez Bryant will make a couple big plays.  The Defense will continue to play solid run defense, although perhaps not as impenetrable as the other games.  The secondary essentially shut down Wes Walker, they should be able to contain Jackson and Maclin.  Sean Lee will be effective in ‘spying’ Vick.  I think Rob Ryan will pressure Vick, and he will have at least 1 turnover; look for Ware to cause a fumble.  The Cowboys win by 7.

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