New DraftKings Chiefs vs. 49ers Promo: Bet $5, Get $200 if Either Team Scores ONE Touchdown

DraftKings' newest Super Bowl promo awards a guaranteed $200 for betting on the big game!


This year's Super Bowl, of course, is bittersweet for Dallas Cowboys fans. It's a fun matchup, but it would have been a whole lot more fun if Dallas hadn't fallen victim to another postseason collapse.

Still, there's nothing like grabbing some friends, a few beers and a whole lot of chicken wings to enjoy the big game whether your team is playing or not.

The only thing that can make it sweeter is a $200 guaranteed bonus from DraftKings Sportsbook.

DraftKings Super Bowl Promo: $200 Guaranteed for Chiefs vs. 49ers

DraftKings' exclusive Super Bowl promo will pay you a $200 bonus just for placing a $5 wager on the game — it doesn't even matter if you win or lose! Just follow the simple steps below to make sure you unlock the offer:

  1. Sign up for DraftKings Sportsbook (no promo code required)
  2. Verify your identity and deposit $10+ (a deposit of $10 or more is required to unlock the bonus)
  3. Place a $5 wager on Super Bowl 58 (you can bet on either team)
  4. Automatically receive $200 (whether your bet wins or loses!)

It's as easy as that. This is one of the biggest promos you're ever going to see from DraftKings, so make sure you sign up now to cash in before it expires!

And why stop at just $200? After all, this is the biggest event of the year, right? Then maybe I can interest you in a guaranteed $200 bonus from FanDuel and guaranteed $158 bonus from BetMGM. Both are also "bet and get" offers that require just a $5 wager to unlock!

DraftKings Super Bowl Odds

Despite nearly blowing it against the Lions, the 49ers still come in as slight favorites over the Chiefs. The 1-point spread sits in San Fran's favor, though the odds on the spread skew slightly in favor of KC. The Niners are also barely favored on the moneyline, with -118 odds compared to the Chiefs' -102 underdog odds. The game faetures a 47.5-point over/under.

Odds refresh periodically and are subject to change.