Hindsight is always 20/20 when you take a look at some of the curious moves the Dallas Cowboys have made in the past few years. Playing the Should’ve, Could’ve, Would’ve game is a dangerous game as frustration levels could boil over.
I sat down with my son and we debated some of the most curious moves he witnessed in the past. There were some very interesting points he made that I wouldn’t have considered but that doesn’t mean other Cowboys fans don’t share his opinions.
My son is only 19 years old so I decided to keep my search within the parameters of that time frame. If I didn’t keep a timeframe, all you would hear about is me talking about the David LaFleur, Shante Carver, and Kavika Pittman selections.
So the point of this scenario is to debate whether or not the Dallas Cowboys made the correct choices in the past or if it would have even been feasible to maintain all of the star power on this hypothetical roster.
This scenario should be fun but I also have to give a warning that some of the hypotheticals might frustrate you and also might make you voice your opinions towards this Dallas Cowboys front office in a negative way. I stayed away from complicated scenarios in which multiple things would have had to happen in order for the Cowboys to get that player.
Scenario’s like Alvin Kamara who was drafted in the third round are just too far out of bounds that I kept this slideshow to available players at the time of their selection.