Are you willing to suffer through the plight of the Cleveland Browns?
Dallas Cowboys fans are different. Like … really different.
For the last few seasons, you have seen a constant desire to move on from Dak Prescott. Why?
I have said it here as many times as you all have heard it anywhere. If you don’t have a quarterback, you are looking for one and if you have one, you keep him.
It’s really that simple. We, as fans, make it much harder than that though and harder than it has to be.
Without Dak Prescott this season, we haven’t won or lost any more or fewer games, but we have been far less competitive in every game since he was injured. That’s not an opinion, that’s a fact.
Not only has the team been bad all-around for the most part, but the offense has been especially bad. In the last two weeks, where the defense has seemingly found some things to build upon, the offense has sputtered in the most crucial moments.
For what it’s worth, I actually liked what Garrett Gilbert was able to do Sunday before last against Pittsburgh, but he isn’t even going to be the guy this week it appears. The Cowboys are running around at that position like a chicken with its head cut off.