With the 2018 NFL Draft upon us, here are five essential thoughts on the Dallas Cowboys. Amazon Prime. Jason Garrett. Jerry Jones. Let’s talk Cowboys.
Before you know it, the Dallas Cowboys and the 2018 NFL Draft will collide. Look, I know you hear this every year but, this NFL Draft is important. Really important. Yes, that important.
The DNA of this draft class and the classes that followed will define the gap between the Cowboys and their leader, the Philadelphia Eagles. (Yes, I wrote “leader.”)
On top of that, I believe this rookie class will determine head coach Jason Garrett‘s job, and maybe even the rest of the jobs around him. More on that below.
Whether you’re excited or nervous about the 2018 NFL Draft, let’s get one thing clear: This rookie selection of 10 picks must hit the jackpot. Otherwise, it’s more of the same mediocrity.
So hey, here are five important thoughts I have heading into the draft. Enjoy the list and leave your thoughts as well.
#1 – True Detective: Dak Prescott and a glove
I wonder if Prescott will quarterback 2018 with a glove on. Hey, we’re all concerned about Dakky boy’s accuracy, aren’t we? Can the man in the glove change it all?
If anything, the little bit of padding might ease the hits should an Adrian Clayborn head to town. (Oh, too soon?)