Jerry Jones: Cowboys Are The Number One TV Show, No Playoffs Required


Oct 21, 2012; Charlotte, NC, USA; Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones point to the fans prior to the game against the Carolina Panthers at Bank of America Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Jeremy Brevard-USA TODAY Sports

Dallas Cowboys owner and general manager Jerry Jones has always been one heck of a salesman. I suppose you don’t become a billionaire by accident. But being the showman that he is, Jones also tends to put his foot in his mouth every once in a while. And just such an incident took place at a press conference for the American Country Music Awards over the weekend. Jones was talking about hosting the award show for it’s 50th anniversary at AT&T Stadium in 2015, when he began pontificating about his Cowboys (as he tends to do). And I believe Jones’ statements lend some insight into what he actually thinks about the teams’ current playoff drought and his role in the their popularity.

"“As you know, the Cowboys have not gone to the playoffs in several years. We have not gone, yet we are the most popular TV show on television. We lead all teams in TV ratings. 24 of the top 25 shows were all NFL games. And any time the Cowboys play, they’re up there at the top and leading. Well, what causes that? What causes that is creating tomorrow, creating some excitement. We want to use that to make this awards show as best we can to make this awards show the greatest ever.”"

Did I just hear him right? Did he just say the reason the Cowboys are the number one team in TV ratings is because they create tomorrow? Because they create excitement? First of all, I have no clue what he means by saying they create tomorrow. That must be some next level stuff only billionaires understand. Secondly, they create excitement? That’s why they are so popular? Have you watched a Cowboys game recently? Seriously. No.

The Dallas Cowboys are the most popular team because of their past. Plain and simple. Tom Landry, Tex Schramm, Gil Brandt a.k.a. the founding fathers of this historic franchise. Let’s not forget Bob Lilly, Roger Staubach, Randy White, Ed “Too Tall” Jones, Tony Dorsett, Drew Pearson and those great teams on the 1970’s. They only went to five Super Bowls in nine years, you know. That would probably help your popularity a bit. Then there was Jimmy Johnson, Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith, Michael Irvin and those epic teams of the 1990’s. Three Super Bowl victories in four years will win you a few million fans as well.

I’m sorry, Jerry. But the truth is the Dallas Cowboys are number one in TV ratings despite your ridiculous antics and that three-ring circus you call a stadium. The fact that the team is still this popular without being champions since 1995 is a testament to just how deep of an impact those past successes had on it’s fan base. A fan base that is now gradually disintegrating due to your  incompetence as a general manager and arrogance as an owner.

Don’t get me wrong. Jerry Jones does deserve credit for keeping the Cowboys in the media. He may just be the world’s greatest promoter and the oldest “hype” man in history. Jones just forgot to make the team “football” relevant along the way. Wait. “Forgot” is the wrong word there. You have to know something before you can forget it. And Jerry doesn’t know winning football. Let’s not forget, Jimmy made all the “football” decisions back in the 90’s. Without his input, Jerry hasn’t been able to duplicate that success.

And nearly twenty years of losing has taken it’s toll, Jerry. Now, that popularity Jones so quickly takes credit for is starting to fade, as evidenced by the recent drop in merchandise sales. And for that, Jerry can certainly shoulder the majority of the blame. Bottom line: Jones’ acceptance of mediocrity is slowly killing America’s Team.  But until it begins to hurt his pocketbook, it’s appears Jerry will continue to believe the Cowboys brand can stay on top regardless of their record. And that’s bad news for all Cowboys fans.

Watch the full press conference below: