Tony Romo snatches victory from the jaws of defeat


Here we go again…

Another season opener in front of 90,000+ fans and millions watching at home seemed to be headed for disappointment.

For fifty-eight minutes, the Dallas Cowboys continued to find ways to lose a game they should win.  Sloppy turnovers, mindless penalties and devastating injuries to both the offense and defense all looked to have this team at another 0-1 start.

Thankfully, Tony Romo had something to say about the matter.

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Staring a loss, a divisional loss to a team who doesn’t seem to factor into the race at that, Romo was handed the unenviable task of touchdown or else.  Oh, and to ramp up the degree of difficulty, do it in 89 seconds, with no timeouts and get 80 yards.

For Romo, it was just another drop in the bucket.

Never once was there panic.  Never once did the moment look like it even remotely phased #9.  Pass after pass to the middle of the field, shunning the spike to stop the clock, Romo yet again displayed his wizardry and put another mark in the column listed “W.”

To be clear, Romo was given some help in this situation.  Unfortunately, it didn’t come so much from his own team as it mostly did from the Giants and their incredibly stupid decision to not only pass the ball but take an incompletion to provide the time needed for Romo to work his magic.

Regardless, Sunday, September 13, 2015 will go down as yet another example that the ridiculously outdated and over utilized narrative that Tony Romo is somehow neither elite, nor clutch is simply false.

Surrounded by a running game that never seemed to put any fear into the Giants defense, as well as mistakes from those responsible for making plays, it was on Romo and best buddy/security blanket/Mr.Cowboy Jason Witten to save the day.

Just 80 total rushing yards and less than four per attempt from the new running back by committee approach would have been enough to overcome.  Adding to that were so many mistakes, it had to make some wonder if this was April Fools and not opening night.

There was the costly fumble while driving towards a score before halftime from receiver Cole Beasley which actually put seven on the board for the Giants instead.

There was the pedestrian five catches for 48 yards from superstar receiver Dez Bryant, which has now turned into another extended absence as he will miss 4-6 weeks with a broken bone in his foot.

There were drops by receivers Terrance Williams and Devin Street, resulting in either lost opportunities or turnovers that gifted more points to a feeble Giants offense.

There were even boneheaded personal fouls from cornerback Brandon Carr and defensive end Jeremy Mincey, both of which gave the Giants the necessary extra 15 yards to convert drives into points.

Even the dynamic duo of Romo and Witten contributed some towards the excruciating night, having a bout of miscommunication on a pass attempt turned interception that also gave the Giants a free three points.

But in the end, it was Romo and Witten, like so many times before, who made things right.  It was the believe in the guys around him, in the coaching, in the culture that this team has really embodied.

Romo referenced this post game speaking to Michele Tafoya saying:

"“At that moment, you really have no choice.  It’s coming down to a play or two.  I felt comfortable with the play.  You just gotta get calm, trust the guys around you to do their job and they did a helluva job.”"

I feel comfortable as well.

I am comfortable in saying that Cowboys fans can be calm as well knowing that the guy that they give their trust to will come through for them as well.

Thank you Tony Romo for this win.

Now we’re on to Philadelphia.

Next: Dallas Cowboys: Grading the defense