Dallas Cowboys Come Up Small, Proving All Their Critics Right


"“Mr. McKittrick, after very careful consideration, sir, I’ve come to the conclusion that your new defense system sucks.” – Gen. Beringer in WARGAMES"

And by Mr. McKittrick, I mean Rob Ryan.

No 4th quarter lead to blow.  No 4th quarter comeback either.  Just some missed opportunities and mostly, well…Nothing.

Gotta give it up for the Dallas cowboy’s critics, they came up big in this game:

Tony Romo was ineffective in a big game – check-mark for the critics.

Rob Ryan’s D was not up to the task – check-mark for the critics.

Jason Garrett’s questionable play-calling and time management – check and check again.

The Cowboys, particularly in the first half, played with no fire – big check-mark again for these critics.

Rattle their cage and these Cowboys crumble – …you guessed it, CHECK.

These Dallas Cowboys aren’t mentally tough – sadly…Check-mark goes to the critics.

The New York Giants showed up to play, while the Dallas Cowboys just showed up.  The Cowboys were flat on their first series (due in part to Tony Romo’s hand and a wet ball – I told you his hand wasn’t ‘OK’ -).  That flat play set the tone for the first half and that’s all the Giants needed to put up a quick 21 points.  The second half was a different story.  Dallas woke up and made a game out of it, but the damage was done. The fat lady could be heard clearing her throat at halftime.

Don’t let me waste anymore time on a recap of the game, I have opinions to spout and decisions to make for my Cowboys.

Now for my End of  Season POINTS and OBSERVATIONS:

(I can easily over-react with a season coming to an end like this, so I’ve thrown some of those over-reactions in)

Maybe…Someday…But not This day… The thought has to start creeping in:  Will Tony Romo, Jason Witten, or DeMarcus Ware EVER get to a Superbowl?  And if they do, will it be with the Dallas Cowboys?

-Logical:  If the new NFL Player Agreement allows for it, I wouldn’t wait one more day to cut Alan Ball.

-Over-reaction: I’d also cut Terence Newman and Doug Free on the spot.  I’d have to really pray for guidance or I’d cut Phil Costa, Gerald Sensebaugh, Abe Elam and Anthony Spencer too – and fire coach Rob Ryan and QB coach Wade Wilson. Then I’d feel better.

-Please Jason, please consider an Offensive Coordinator.  The Cowboys best Offensive year was 2007 when Tony Sparano was helping you out, and he’s available!

-As it turns out, this was a rebuilding year.  With two more years left in the process as far as I can see it.

-Romo chose not to move a lot in the pocket (I say chose, because when he did move, it was vintage Romo) resulting in an uncharacteristic 6 sacks.  Was he trying to show the Giants a different look?  Was he afraid if he moved too much he’d expose his hand? Whatever reason, if it was the plan, it didn’t work.

-I think our Offense is set for next year, at least at the starting skill positions:

QB – Tony Romo

Backs – DeMarco Murray, Felix Jones, Phillip Tanner, Tony Fiametta

Receivers – Miles Austin, Dez Bryant, Laurent Robinson (show him the money Jerry…if you can)

Tight Ends – Jason Witten, John Phillips, Martellus Bennett (only if we can keep him cheap, CJ!)

-I think our Defense is in need of a complete overhaul, with only DeMarcus Ware, Sean Lee, and Jay Ratliff safe.

Over-reaction:  Our secondary can’t get any worse.  Cut them all, every one,  except Church and McCray.  That means newly extended Scandrick and Sensebaugh too.

-I have one more BIG over-reaction that I should probably keep to myself…but I won’t, so I will pose it as a question for Cowboys Nation:

  If the Dallas Cowboys are in full-blown rebuilding mode, which they are, wouldn’t a big trade help that along?  Kinda like the Hershel Walker trade jump started our rebuild in the early ’90’s. 

But who should be our Hershel Walker?…And what should we get for him?

I look forward to hearing from you on that one!

This season has been about as bumpy as I can remember, but we made it through (in my case, with lot’s of self medicating). Thanks to The Landry Hat and all its readers!  Keep logging on to the site!  And for my obligatory cliche… There’s always next year!

Artie Cappello

(Photos from Star-telegram.com)